Poetic Corner

Allan sort of fancies himself as a poet "Yeah Right." For what may be an entertaining few minutes grab a coffee and read his following ramblings. It includes a little romance but tells a story that definitely needs to be told.
Blind Faith
A deafening crash and the twisting of metal indelibly pressed in her mind
Nothing just darkness, she then comes around, sees a face that is gentle and kind
It’s the face of a fireman, she knows that he cares, but she drifts into darkness again
But she dreams of that face, and she knows that she’s safe, despite all her anguish and pain
Spends months on her back in a hospital bed, quadriplegic, she’s damaged her spine
But that fireman called Fred, had been right by her bed, she knew with his help she’d be fine
Her life it had changed, she could no longer walk, to a wheelchair she now was constrained
But she picked herself up, went right back to work, but at present we’ll leave her unnamed
Now Fred and this girl had fallen in love, they went off to face life as a team
They tied the knot tight, they each took full part, this allowed them to follow their dream
Their love really blossomed, and they knew that in time, a family would be on the way
They each kept their jobs, with their dream in their minds, looking forward so much to that day.
Fred as a fireman a genuine guy, a guy you just had to admire
They both worked their jobs, she stuck in an office, while Fred was out fighting a fire.
I think it’s now time I told you her name, and it suited her perfectly well
Her name was Faith, just what do I mean? Well that’s just what I’m going to tell
To have Faith in something you have to have trust, to know it is steadfast and whole
She trusted Fred and it wasn’t misplaced, trustworthy in heart mind and soul
She trusted in God and had faith in his son knowing bad things would one day get better
She trusted New Zealand ‘cause we lead the way. We do things right down to the letter
Regulations and Acts cover safety and health, and best practice in evacuation
Everyone out, ‘cept Faith and a mate, they stay put in this safety location
Right here in the stairwell, nothing can burn, they’ll be safe there until their relief
And with Fred on the force, that wouldn’t take long, their wait there should only be brief
They put faith in a system, one so out of date, an unacceptable situation
It was legally right but morally wrong, the height of discrimination
Nobody had thought what was really involved, if something went wrong on that day
They’d not stopped to look, they’d not stopped to listen, weren’t aware of a much safer way
We lead the world in just so many ways, these systems in place for our good
She felt safe and secure at work in her job, faith things would work as they should
It was several years now since that fateful night when that car crash had turned her life round
But despite having spent all this time in a chair, she still had her feet on the ground
This lovely young couple, whom everyone loved, had become a most popular pair
Then a trip to the doctor, their dream coming true, hey Fred there’s a baby in there
Excitedly now they started to plan, Fred naturally concerned for his wife
But both thankful to God for this wonderful gift, this treasure of bearing a life
Now Faith was employed by a very fair boss, and her workmates, they all loved her dearly
She worked on the tenth floor the view was superb, she could see the harbour bridge clearly
She had Faith in the plan that was there for her safety, in case a disaster transpire
Then of course she had Fred who’d get there right quick if ever there should be a fire
Time it slipped by the months come and went, and Faiths tummy was sure gaining girth
It was time to quit work to go home and take rest, take it easy and wait for the birth
The company arranged on her last day something swell, nice surprise for her going away
Without telling her they’d got hold of Fred, he was getting off early that day
The sky was blue, the sun warm and bright, you couldn’t but help feel content
Then it hit hard, like thunder it roared, shattered glass, violent shakes, then it went
Things don’t look so good, gotta get outa here, but remember to always keep calm
We’ve practiced before, know just what to do, whenever we hear that alarm
This was the real thing, and everyone knew that their lives were at risk on that day
The office was cleared. The warden’s last words, “Faith here in the stairwell you stay
It doesn’t seem right but we follow the rules, you wait here with this volunteer
We can’t do much else, it’s all we can do with that puku of yours and your chair”
Now Faith had real trust in the system in place, they’d assured her that she’d be OK
In the stairwell she waited with one of her mates, they felt safe as they waited that day
The feeling was eerie in that concrete tomb, the echoes the groans, then a creak
All the people had gone they were left on their own, exit lights were now looking week
But Faith was real sure that despite her bad feelings, her Fred would be right on his way
Any time now he’d pop up the stairs, and his laughter would brighten their day
Then her volunteer buddy, a pretty young pretty lass started to shed a wee tear
She looked at Faith and said "I’m really sorry, but I gotta get out of here."
Now Faith was alone with her unborn child, couldn’t feel him but knew he was kicking
Her trust in the system was starting to wane, almost felt like a time bomb was ticking
Then she grasped with a jolt, things weren’t going to plan, she imagined that smoke she could smell
The pipes might be broken, the sprinklers not working, this could be a day straight from hell
She wasn’t aware that down on the eight, the cleaners wedged open the door
It made their job easy, saved lots of time, even though it was breaking the law
When the quake struck, they were straight down the stairs, forgetting the door left a gap
The pressurised stairs that should keep our Faith safe, could swiftly become a death trap.
All over this world there are tried men and true, in Emergency Service they work
Genuine men always ready to help, never knowing the meaning of shirk
In any city a building on fire, it’s their target they’re there in a swarm
But when there’s a quake they are spread much more thinly, and often you’re left on your own
We know Fred was on duty that fateful day, in the shower getting set to shuck
But in any emergency all hands on deck, nothing personal, "Fred up on this truck"
Hospitals, schools, nursing homes all need help, their needs take first place in this nation
Offices warehouses shops and the like must manage their own ‘vacuation
Just seconds later, the trucks headed out, their alarm bells how loud they did jangle
But chaos ensued, traffic light not working, the streets in an absolute tangle
Now Fred he was concerned his loyalties torn, he knew he was his Faith’s protection
But the chief said “you stay, your duties with us, up the hill in this other direction”
Now when duty calls every man must decide, his heart helps him with his decision
Up the hill there were many that needed his help, but Faith on her own was his mission
He leapt from the truck, no angry protests, his decision was clear on his face
His mates felt like he, whatever the risk, his family must take the first place
Now as Fred raced on through some cramped narrow streets, with bricks and mortar still falling
He listened inside to his soul and his heart, he knew he could hear his Faith calling
At last he arrives at Faith’s place of work, her buddies all gathered around
But yes he knew it, Faith wasn’t there, He searched, she was not to be found.
Then the Fire Warden, he spotted Fred, “Fred we left her just like we were told
Can you get in and get her, they said that you would. Better hurry the fires taking hold”
As he went in a wee lass stumbled by, she was shaken and sobbing and crying
I was scared and I panicked, I left her alone, please please can you save her from dying
If only they’d listened he said to himself as he raced headlong up those stairs.
To that guy we met at the station last month, that guy with those Evac Chairs
But he’d have to make do on his own with no help, he’d been trained how to lift without paining
But he knew that his wife heavy with child was beyond all aspects, of his training
Fred a fit man raced up those stairs knowing just how his Faith would be feeling
He knew of the faith she had in her man, but his thoughts in his head they were reeling
He knew of the danger, the risk he must take, for the safety of baby and wife
He knew that his actions, while saving Faith, could cost them a precious young life
As he lifted and strained, her eyes opened in fear, she realised the risk they were taking
But knew that in fact if they didn’t go quick, real disaster was there in the making
She spasmed in pain, her body contorted, at his limit she knew Fred to be
But he battled on down, through the smoke and the heat, then at last they were out, they were free
This story of Faith and her husband and child, had a happy and cheerful ending
They all survived, thanks to Fred’s fortitude. But a very clear message it’s sending
In this world that we live in things often go wrong, but at all times we must do our best
Especially to those who rely on our help. If we fail them, then we’ve lost the test.